Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sometimes those links just don't work

And you have to take a detour. That is what I did to get here, in order to write. With the main link I use, my computer wasn't receiving any data. Silly dial up. Good times though. I feel drugged with food. I am sleepy. I had a salad from Quizno's. It was good, and though I never would have thought I would, I like their pepercorn ceasar dressing. Hmm, while on the subject of food and connecting myself to the cafe through ceasar dressing, eaten a lot when the chicken salad comes around, I wonder if you ask for a pack out you can get something to cook. Or, if you get enough people together, because it would be silly to send a raw piece of chicken off with just one person, if you could do so. It would be fun to try, something new for a change, and we wouldn't have to pay for much, just a few sides if we would like. Whatever, it has a good chance of being impossible. I don't know what to do with myself right now. Maybe I should read, but the reading I want to get done does something to me whenever I think about it. Maybe it is fear of diving into it, maybe it is the feeling of inadequacy, maybe it is laziness. It could be all three combined. It is like I am excited, but hesitant and weary all at the same time. I feel great whenever I actually do read it, and I think to myself how not so bad it was. Maybe it is all a mind game I play with myself, and a combination of being over ambitious. We shall see what happens.

Tomorrow-Cucumber Shots! House special.


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