Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Summer Days

This morning the great feeling one gets after waking up just before six and going out for an hour walk filled my soul. As I began I walked past the canal, full as can be, which served as a reflectant strip for the rising sun. I don't know of much better walking time than when the sun is rising at your shoulder. Sweet smells filled the air as I passed grass freshly watered and walked over dusty roads. Memories filled my head as I passed old familiar places. I came back, stretched and then took a nice, hot, longerthanIhavetakeninamonth-shower. It felt great. Now I am here, content with lots of water after a little breakfast ready for the day. Ready to take a nap too, but still-ready for the day. I have a show I will watch at 9 and then I will be ready to read/clean some more. It looks like there is going to be some great weather in San Jose today, I wish I was there, even if I have a blanket over me right now, I wont need it for long, and ten degrees makes all the difference. There is a good breeze going right now though, today is going to be a good day.


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