Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


As I walked down the hall this morning (3am that is) with a pile of freshly washed clothes that reached from my waist to my forehead in my arms, my laptop in one hand, my, dare I say, jug of detergent in another-which had to then in fact be balanced between both hands because it was rather heavy for one arm that was preoccupied with the giant pile of clothes that was blocking my forward vision-two shirts hanging off my shoulder that could not be folded, and a pillow shammy (which has one of those split down the middle openings instead of the side) hanging off of my head carrying various items that were not clothes or were too small to socks, only one quote came to mind:

"I am the essence of awesome."

And then the door shut behind me and all went black...

God has a humorous way of knocking down pride.


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