Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Thursday, October 06, 2005

God made good, and I saw bad.

God is good, even as I stumble into my dark, dark room and trip over everything five times. Dark doesn't work with me so well.

I learned a few things today:
Falling off of chairs is more fun that one would think,
Aaron Bailey's hair is worth a picture when he just wakes up,
and taking a Benadril just before work makes you act in such a manner customers tend to not trust you.

I also learned a few things I hope God will teach me again and again:
I learned that God answers our prayers even when we don't understand how what He does answers the prayer, or remember we even asked. I asked God to help me appreciate things more, and as I lost sight of the vision He had given me, He was faithful to restore it.
Tonight, when He took something away, for the greater good, I had a difficult time releasing it. How silly of me to think I need hold on to things like that, when God has greater things for me. How humbling and joyful to see Him glorify Himself, even with my feeble attempts. How great it is to realize I have love to give, and there is love for me to receive because of Him, and Him alone. How glorious that our God would give us love back that we might share it with each other. How wonderful it is that He calls us back to Him, even if we rebel against His methods. How warm it is to be in His arms, and how overflowing it is to be content in Him, and only Him. Forgive me Lord for not seeing, for not trusting. Thank you for helping me release everything to you; my love, my joy, my sorrow, my struggles.

I learned today that I get to love him, and that I get to do it by being myself. Father, I trust you, let me worry no more, for you alone are faithful with your promises.
My spirit soars above the highest mountain because of You.


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