Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Friday, October 07, 2005

How beautiful.

How beautiful it is that God asks of us, not because He needs, but because He wants us to trust in Him that He might bless us.

So many times He has amazed me by giving me back what I gave up, which He knows only makes me want to give it to Him more.

Even this computer for example. I walked in to the room having come from one of the best nights I have had in a while and found that I has left my computer with Curtis so that I wouldn't have to walk to my room, way so far down the hall way, before we went to 'Bucks. Well, I didn't know what to do with myself, in a very good way. Yes, it is two in the morning. Yes, I am going to sleep the moment I post this; but I feel more awake than I can say I have felt in all of my classes this week. *smiles. I made a decision that God would make good out of having to miss a part of my morning routine due to the lack of computer. I felt wonderful about it. I even felt privileged to be without a computer for a night. However, as I sat in bed, a small-ever so sensitive tap on the door revealed Becky with my laptop. Thank you Becky, for being wonderful you. Thank you Curtis, for not putting it off. Thank You Father, for caring about my thoughts, my So much so that you would glorify yourself even in the smallest, most foolish of things. You make me want to love You more. Thank you.

It is so great to have boundaries; to be a child of God. How wonderful He is for looking out for us at all times, guiding us in all of our ways, and mapping out the way that we not get lost.

Alright, into the blissful splendor of sleep.


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