Sometimes I just have to remind myself I am not

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Thoughts on Hammond

I think reading her book brings a point to my mind. Man and woman did things in response to one another. After the fall, responding in the right way became much more difficult. Men shouldn't, and I hope this is clearly stated for those who actually thought it was this way, do all of the work of acting right. There is a right way for women to act as well. There is always a fight in society on who should be the first one to move. Who should be the first one to make the right move. I love how the tables turn in the minds of women who are against being treated special when they are comfronted with the idea of treating them with respect. Instead of focussing on growing in the right, and maturing, one embraces the insecurities set around them and focuses on the other person. Focuses on the outer, leaning on it to change the inner, instead of the other way around. Not that they necessarily need one, or don't already have one, but why don't women step up and give the men a reason to cherrish them? Why can't both women and men work together at treating each other right, instead of waiting for the other to give them a reason to-or to deserve it. Once they do give a reason, will we ask ourselves if that is enough? Will we tell ourselves that is not good enough, and end up expecting more?


Blogger Jason said...

You should keep going with your thoughts on women. I almost encouraged the women reading my blog posts about men to talk about it, but I didn't really want to be the one to start it. It's not my place or my experience, so I can only contribute a man's perspective on things after the fact ;-)

10:12 AM  

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